Step 6 - Provide Users Access to Secrets

This procedure steps through creating user groups and policies with the CLI. User Groups and policies can also be created, viewed, and managed in the VP-DV User Interface.

  • With two secrets, each located at:

    servers:us-east:server01 and servers:us-east:production:server01

  • And two users: and

You can create a policy to allow:

  • both users access to servers:us-east:server01
  • to have access to servers:us-east:production:server01
  • to be denied access to servers:us-east:production:server01

Creating a User Group

Optionally, we can put these Users in a Group with two commands.

  • The first command creates the group:

    dsv group create --group-name firstgroup
  • The second command puts the Users in the Group

    dsv group add-members --group-name firstgroup --data '{"memberNames":["",""]}'

Creating a Policy to Allow Access

The admin has to create a policy for the Group to get access to the Secrets. Here is a sample CLI command:

dsv policy create --path secrets:servers:us-east --actions '<.*>' --desc 'Allow Policy' --subjects groups:firstgroup --effect allow
  • path starts with secrets: followed by the secret path.

    resources is not specified separately, but will default to the path and everything below it, so in this case secrets:servers:us-east:<.*>

  • actions is a wildcard, so full create, read, update, delete are allowed.

  • subjects are the Users that are getting access to the secrets.

  • effect will either allow or deny access.

  • Use the command dsv policy read secrets:servers:us-east -e yaml to read the resulting policy:

      path: secrets:servers:us-east
      permissionDocument:  - actions:    - <.*>    conditions: {}    description: Allow Policy    effect: allow    id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    meta: null    resources:    - secrets:servers:us-east:<.*>    subjects:    - groups:firstgroup  version: "0"
  • This policy will now enable both Users ( and to gain full access to all secrets located at the path servers:us-east and below.

Creating a Policy to Deny Access

If we decide that the should no longer have access to the secrets at servers:us-east:production, we can write another policy to deny access. The command would look like this:

dsv policy create --path secrets:servers:us-east:production --actions '<.*>' --desc 'Deny Policy' --subjects 'users:<>' --effect deny

Use the command dsv policy read secrets:servers:us-east:production -e yaml to view the resulting policy:

path: secrets:servers:us-east:production
- actions:
  - <.*>
  conditions: {}
  description: Deny Policy
  effect: deny
  id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  meta: null
  - secrets:servers:us-east:production:<.*>
  - users:<>
version: "0"

Now has access to everything at servers:us-east and below, including servers:us-east:production. However, only has access to the secrets at servers:us-east and not at servers:us-east:production

This is the end of the quick-start guide, but for more on policies see CLI Reference in this documentation.