Deny Execute Message

The Deny Execute Message does not include company branding and is easy to edit in the Verify Privilege Manager console. The default of this basic user message action is displayed like this:

Default Deny Execute Message


  1. In Verify Privilege Manager, search for the default message that will be customized. In this example, we search for the default Deny Execute Message.

  2. Select the item from the search results.

    Search for Deny Execute Message

  3. This is a read-only action, to customize the default message, users need to click Duplicate.

    Create copy

  4. Enter a name for the new message action. It is recommended to use standard naming conventions with your custom items, e.g. beginning custom names with your company name is a great way to differentiate between the default items and your custom items.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Customize the Title and Message, use the Icon Type drop-down to specify the type, and set the Display Timeout.


  7. Click Save Changes.