Catalina FileSystemWatcher Issue

This policy is only applicable with agents prior to Verify Privilege Manager v11.2.0.

There is a known issue on macOS Catalina and later versions, preventing the agent from receiving notification of events that need to be sent to the server. To workaround this, the Retry errored TMS Events - Catalina and later (macOS) policy can be enabled to ensure all events get sent to the server.

The defaults for this new Remote Scheduled Client Command are as follows:

retry errored

  • Customize the schedule if necessary to best suit your particular implementation.
  • The default resource targets required are specified by default as All macOS Catalina and later Computers with Application Control Agent Installed (Target). The results of the computer group include any macOS Catalina computers that have the agent installed and are properly configured for Application Control.

Once the policy is enabled on an endpoint, the agent will perform the Retry errored TMS Client Events (macOS) command and send any events that have not been sent.