Agent Registration Issue

After upgrading, you encounter the following issue with the Agent utility after selecting "Register".

Error during Agent Registration

This can be caused by a Windows OS upgrade due to either a new version or build. The certificate changes and the agent will need to be re-configured for the new certificate.

Detailed Information

A. Uninstall and reinstall the agent on the machine.


B. Run the following PowerShell scripts to re-configure the agent.

Using a PowerShell Script

  1. Right-click on Windows Powershell and Run as Administrator.

  2. Enter in the following command:

    cd “C:\Program Files\Thycotic\Powershell\Arellia.Agent”

    Changing directory to agent location

  3. Enter in the following command:


    Running the SetupAgent script

  4. Enter in the following command:

    .\SetAmsServer.ps1 -baseurl https://servername/TMS -installcode ????-????-????

    Entering Install Code

  5. Locate the Agent Utility (C:\Program Files\Thycotic\Agents\Agent\Agent Utility.exe). Open the utility and click Update. Agent Utility