Deleting Items

When deleting items, there might be dependencies, like a filter that is used in a policy. If that filter is deleted without modifying or deleting the policy, the policy will stop working without anyone realizing that the filter has been deleted.

Verify Privilege Manager detects dependencies when items are deleted and alerts the user to:

  • any dependent items, which block the deletion.
  • any child items, which will also be deleted.

Select Delete from the More pull-down.


If that filter is part of a policy and Delete is selected, the Item Dependency: Delete Blocked modal opens.


From the modal, the user can see that the delete is blocked by a dependent item.

While there are blocking items, Delete or Delete Item and Children are disabled. Delete is dynamic and will only display Delete Item and Children if both of those are dependencies, otherwise it will only display Delete.

Blocking dependent items can be accessed and deleted by clicking on the named item link. This opens the dependent item in another browser tab, where it can be viewed and deleted. For example:
