Block Agent Removal - launchctl

These are the filters and the example policy that need to be created that aid with the macOS agent hardening process.

Creating a File Specification Filter

  1. Navigate to Admin | Filters and click Create Filter.
  2. From the platform drop-down select macOS.
  3. From the type drop-down select File Specification Filter.
  4. Add a Name and Description, for example /bin/launchctl and click Create.
  5. On the filter page, under Settings:

    • File Names, type launchctl.
    • Path, type /bin.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Creating a Commandline Filter

  1. Navigate to Admin | Filters and click Create Filter.
  2. From the platform drop-down select macOS.
  3. From the type drop-down select Commandline Filter.
  4. Add a Name and Description, for example launchctl unload and click Create.
  5. On the filter page, under Settings:

    • Match Type, type Regular Expression.
    • Command Line, type com\.delinea.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Creating the Blocking Policy

  1. Under your macOS Computer Group, select Application Policies.

  2. Using the Policy Wizard, create a controlling policy that blocks application execution on endpoints.

  3. Select how you want the processes blocked, either Block Silently or Notify and Block, for this example we use Block Silently. Click Next Step.

  4. Select what types you want the policy to block, for this example it's Executables.

  5. Choose your target, for this example Existing Filter.

  6. Search for and Add the /bin/launchctl filter created in the above steps.

  7. Click Update.

  8. Click Next Step.

  9. Name your policy and add a description, click Create Policy.

  10. Under Inclusions, click Edit.

  11. Search for launchctl unload and Add the filter created in the above steps.

  12. Click Update.

  13. Click Save Changes.


  14. Set the Inactive switch to Active.

XML Example Files

Policy XML Sample

<CommandlineFilterContract xmlns:adc="" xmlns:arr="" xmlns:mss="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:d1p4="" xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <adc:Name>launchctl unload</adc:Name>
    <adc:Strings />
<FileSpecificationFilterContract xmlns:adc="" xmlns:arr="" xmlns:mss="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:d1p4="" xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <adc:Strings />
        <arr:anyType i:type="adc:ItemAssociations">
            <adc:AssociatedItemIds />
        <arr:anyType i:type="adc:ItemAssociations">
            <adc:AssociatedItemIds />
    <ExcludeFilterIds />
    <IncludeFilterIds />
    <ManditoryFilterIds />
    <OwnsItemIds />
<ApplicationControlPolicyContract xmlns:adc="" xmlns:arr="" xmlns:mss="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <adc:Description>This policy blocks the specified executables from running</adc:Description>
    <adc:Name>Block launchctl</adc:Name>
    <adc:Strings />
    <adc:ApplyToResourcesSettings xmlns:d2p1="">
    <ChildApplicationActionIds />
    <ChildAssociations />
    <NegativeFileFilterIds />
    <OwnsItemIds />


File Specification Filter

<FileSpecificationFilterContract xmlns:adc="" xmlns:arr="" xmlns:mss="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:d1p4="" xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <adc:Strings />
        <arr:anyType i:type="adc:ItemAssociations">
            <adc:AssociatedItemIds />
        <arr:anyType i:type="adc:ItemAssociations">
            <adc:AssociatedItemIds />
    <ExcludeFilterIds />
    <IncludeFilterIds />
    <ManditoryFilterIds />
    <OwnsItemIds />


Commandline Filter

<CommandlineFilterContract xmlns:adc="" xmlns:arr="" xmlns:mss="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:d1p4="" xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <adc:Name>launchctl unload</adc:Name>
    <adc:Strings />
