Configuration and Tuning Reference Guide

The Configuration and Tuning Reference Guide provides reference information for Verify Privilege Server Suite configuration parameters. You can set configuration parameters locally on Linux, UNIX, and Mac OS X computers to fine tune the operation of Verify Privilege Server Suite components and subsystems. Verify Privilege Server Suite is an integrated software solution that delivers secure access control and centralized identity management through Microsoft Active Directory. With Verify Privilege Server Suite software, your organization can improve IT efficiency, regulatory compliance, and security for on-premise, mobile, and hosted resources.

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for administrators who want to customize the operation of Verify Privilege Server Suite components and subsystems by modifying locally-defined configuration parameters. Many of these operations can also be configured remotely using group policies. This guide is intended as a supplement to the main Verify Privilege Server Suite documentation set. It assumes that you have a working knowledge of Verify Privilege Server Suite components and administration.

For information about planning a deployment and installing components, see the Planning and Deployment Guide. For information about performing administrative tasks using Access Manager, see the Administrator’s Guide for Linux and UNIX.

Limitations of this Guide

This guide is updated with every major release of Verify Privilege Server Suite. Because the supported configuration parameters can change from one release to another, have different default values between releases, or be designed to address very specific conditions, you should consider the configuration files (centrifydc.conf and centrifyda.conf for example) included with the software to be the definitive source of information for the parameters in the version of the software you are using. If there are differences between the information in the configuration files and this guide, you should consider the comments in the configuration file itself to be the most current or accurate for your environment.

The sections in this guide are as follows: