
Gets the total number of UNIX group profiles defined in the GroupUnixProfiles collection for an Active Directory group or zone.


int Count {get;}

Property value

The number of UNIX group profiles in the GroupUnixProfiles collection.


This property enumerates all of the profiles in the collection before it returns the Count value. If you only need to determine whether any profiles are defined, use the IsEmpty property for a faster response time.


The following code sample illustrates using Count in a script:

set objZone = cims.GetZoneByPath("LDAP://CN=research,
CN=zones,CN=centrify,CN=program data, DC=sierra, DC=com")  
set objZone = cims.GetZoneByPath("LDAP://CN=research,
CN=zones,CN=centrify,CN=program data, DC=sierra, DC=com")  
If objGroupUnixProfiles.IsEmpty then  
wscript.echo "No profiles defined”  
wscript.echo objGroupUnixProfiles.Count & " profiles defined”  
End if  