
Returns the command right with a specified name or GUID.


ICommand GetCommand (string name)

ICommand GetCommand (Guid id)


Specify one of the following parameters when using this method:

Parameter Description
name The name of the command.
id The GUID of the command.

Return value

A command right with the specified name or GUID, or null if no match is found.


GetCommand may throw one of the following exceptions:

  • ApplicationException if it can’t find authorization data for the zone or if it failed to get the command right (see the message returned by the exception for the reason).

  • ArgumentException if the name or id parameter is null or empty.


The following code sample illustrates using the GetCommand method in a script:

// Get the zone object
IHierarchicalZone objZone =  
cims.GetZoneByPath("cn=" + strZone + "," + strContainerDN) as IHierarchicalZone;

if (objZone == null)  
    Console.WriteLine("Zone " + strZone + " does not exist.");  
    ICommand objCmd = objZone.GetCommand(strCmd);  
    if (objCmd != null)  
        Console.WriteLine("Command " + strCmd + " already exists.");  
        objCmd = objZone.CreateCommand();  
        objCmd.Name = strCmd;  
        objCmd.CommandPattern = strPattern;  
        objCmd.Description = "optional description";  