
Returns all the user role assignments in the zone, or for a specific user in the zone.


IRoleAssignments GetUserRoleAssignments()

IRoleAssignments GetUserRoleAssignments(DirectoryEntry userDE)

IRoleAssignments GetUserRoleAssignments(SearchResult userSR)

IRoleAssignments GetUserRoleAssignments(string userDn)

IRoleAssignments GetUserRoleAssignments(IAdsUser userIAds)

IRoleAssignments GetUserRoleAssignments(IUser user)


Specify no parameters to return all the role assignments in the zone.

Specify one of the following parameters to return all the role assignments for a specific user:

Parameter Description
userDE The directory entry for the user for which you want the role assignments.
userSr The directory entry for a user specified as a search result.
userDn The user specified as a distinguished name.
userIads The IADs interface to the user.
user The user specified as a CIMS user object.

Return value

The collection of role assignments as IRoleAssignment objects.


GetUserRoleAssignments throws an ArgumentNullException if the required parameter is null or empty.