
The HierarchicalZoneComputer class represents a computer joined to a hierarchical zone.


public interface IHierarchicalZoneComputer : IComputer


The HierarchicalZoneComputer class inherits many methods and properties from the Computer class, but adds support for partial profiles and inheritable roles. Under hierarchical zones, both identity (profile data) and access (authorization data) are inherited, such that a computer’s effective identity or access are determined by all the profile data and all the access data at all levels of the hierarchy.

See HierarchicalUser for a discussion of profile and access inheritance.

When you assign computer-level overrides for user, group, or computer role assignments, IBM Security creates a computer zone, which is a special type of zone that contains the users, groups, and computer role assignments that are specific to only that one computer. Computer zones are not exposed as zones in Access Manager, but are referred to in the method and property descriptions where appropriate.


The HierarchicalZoneComputer class provides the following methods:

Method Description
AddAccessGroup Adds a group to the computer.
AddGroupPartialProfile Adds a computer-specific partial profile for a specified group.
AddLocalGroupPartialProfile Adds a computer-specific partial profile for a specified local group.
AddLocalUserPartialProfile Adds a computer-specific partial profile for a specified user.
AddRoleAssignment Adds an empty role assignment.
AddUserPartialProfile Adds a computer-specific partial profile for a specified user.
Commit Commits changes to the group object to Active Directory. (Inherited from Computer.)
CreateImportPendingGroup Creates a pending imported group in this computer.
CreateImportPendingUser Creates a pending imported user in this computer.
Delete Deletes the computer profile from Active Directory. (Inherited from Computer.)
DeleteAllProfiles Deletes all computer-specific users and groups.
DeleteZone Deletes the computer zone object if it exists.
GetAccessGroup Returns a group given a role for the group.
GetAccessGroups Returns an enumeration of groups in the computer object.
GetDirectoryEntry Returns the Active Directory object for the computer. (Inherited from Computer.)
GetEffectiveUserUnixProfiles Returns an enumeration of effective users under this computer zone.
GetGroupUnixProfile Returns the UNIX group profile in this computer zone for the specified Active Directory group.
GetGroupUnixProfileByDN Returns the UNIX group profile in this computer zone for the Active Directory group specified by distinguished name.
GetGroupUnixProfileByName Returns the UNIX group profile in this computer zone for the Active Directory group specified by group name.
GetGroupUnixProfiles Returns an enumeration of the UNIX groups in this computer zone.
GetImportPendingGroup Returns the group with the specified ID pending import.
GetImportPendingGroups Returns an enumeration of groups pending import to this computer zone.
GetImportPendingUser Returns the user with the specified ID pending import.
GetImportPendingUsers Returns an enumeration of users pending import to this computer zone.
GetIPendingGroupID Returns the numeric identifier for the pending import group with the specified group name.
Method Description
GetLocalGroupUnixProfile Returns the local UNIX group profile for a specified group name in the zone.
GetLocalUserUnixProfileByDN Returns a local group profile using the distinguished name (DN) of the profile.
GetLocalGroupUnixProfileByGid Returns the local group profile using the Group Identifier (GID). This method is exposed to the .COM interface.
GetLocalGroupUnixProfiles Returns a list of the local group profiles in the zone.
GetLocalUserUnixProfile Returns the local user profile using the specified user name.
GetLocalUserUnixProfileByDN Returns the local user profile specified by the distinguished name (DN) of the profile.
GetLocalUserUnixProfileByUid Returns the local user profile using the User Identifier (UID). This method is exposed to the .COM interface
GetLocalUserUnixProfiles Returns a list of the local user profiles in the zone.
GetIPendingUserID Returns the numeric identifier for the pending import user with the specified user name.
GetNssVariable VBScript interface to access NSS variables.
GetNSSVariables VBScript interface to obtain all NSS variable names.
GetPrimaryUser Returns the primary profile for the specified user.
GetRoleAssignment Returns the role assignment for the specified role and trustee.
GetRoleAssignmentById Returns the role assignment for the specified GUID.
GetRoleAssigments Returns the collection of role assignments in the computer.
GetRoleAssignmentToAllADUsers Returns the role assignment given to all Active Directory users who have a specified role.
GetRoleAssignmentToAllUnixUsers Returns the role assignment given to all UNIX users who have a specified role.
GetSecondaryUsers Returns an enumeration of the secondary profiles for the specified user.
GetUserProfiles Returns an enumeration of all the user profiles for the specified user.
GetUserRoleAssignments Returns an enumeration of all the user role assignments in this computer zone.
GetUserUnixProfile Returns the UNIX user profile in this computer zone for the specified user.
GetUserUnixProfileByDN Returns the UNIX user profile in this computer zone for the user specified by distinguished name.
GetUserUnixProfileByName Returns the UNIX user profile in this computer zone for the user specified by user name.
GetUserUnixProfileByUid Returns the UNIX user profile in this computer zone for the user specified by UID.
GetUserUnixProfiles](getuserunixprofiles.md) | Returns an enumeration of all the UNIX user profiles in this computer zone. | | [GroupUnixProfileExists](groupunixprofileexists.md) | Indicates whether the group has a profile in this computer zone. | | [LocalGroupUnixProfileExists](localgroupunixprofileexists.md) | Indicates whether a UNIX profile exists in the zone for the specified local group. | | [LocalUserUnixProfileExists](localuserunixprofileexists.md) | Indicates whether a UNIX profile exists in the zone for the specified local user. | | [Refresh](../computer/refresh.md) | Refreshes the data in this object instance from the data stored in Active Directory. (Inherited from [Computer](../computer/index.md).) | | [SetNSSVariable](setnssvariable.md) | VBScript interface to set the values of NSS variables. | | [UserUnixProfileExists` Indicates whether the specified user has a profile in this computer zone.


The HierarchicalZoneComputer class provides the following properties:

Property Description
AdsiInterface Gets the IADs interface of the zone object in Active Directory. (Inherited from Computer.)
ADsPath Gets the LDAP path to the zone object. (Inherited from Computer.)
AgentVersion Gets the Active Directory client version number. (Inherited from Computer.)
CanonicalName Gets the canonical name of the computer object. (Inherited from Computer.)
ComputerZoneADsPath Gets the LDAP path of the computer zone object.
IsOrphan Indicates whether the CIMs data associated with this object is orphaned by the current credentials. (Inherited from Computer.)
IsOrphanZone Indicates whether this computer is an orphan zone object.
IsReadable Indicates whether the CIMS data associated with this object is readable with the current user credentials. (Inherited from Computer.)
IsWritable Indicates whether the CIMS data associated with this object is writable with the current user credentials. (Inherited from Computer.)
JBossEnabled Determines whether the computer is enabled for JBoss. (Inherited from Computer.)
Name Gets or sets the name of the computer object. (Inherited from Computer.)
NssVariables Gets the map of profile variables.
ProfileADsPath Gets the LDAP path to the computer UNIX profile. (Inherited from Computer.)
SchemaVersion Gets the version of the data schema. (Inherited from Computer.)
TomcatEnabled Determines whether the computer is enabled for Tomcat. (Inherited from Computer.)
UserHomeDirectory Gets or sets the UNIX directory path that is used to substitute for %{home} in user profiles.
UserShell Gets or sets the shell that is used to substitute for %{shell}in user profiles.
Version Gets the version number of the data schema. (Inherited from Computer.)
WebLogicEnabled Determines whether the computer is enabled for WebLogic. (Inherited from Computer.)
WebSphereEnabled Determines whether the computer is enabled for WebSphere. (Inherited from Computer.)
Zone Gets or sets the zone that this computer joins.
ZoneMode Gets the zone mode of the computer. (Inherited from Computer.)