
The InheritedRoleAsg class represents a virtual role assignment constructed by inheritance from parent zones and the current zone or computer. A role assignment object contains information about an Active Directory object (trustee) that has been added to a role.


public interface IInheritedRoleAsg


The InheritedRoleAsg class provides the following method:

Method Description
GetTrustee Returns the user associated with the role.


The InheritedRoleAsg class provides the following properties:

Property Description
EndTime Determines the time at which this role becomes inactive.
IsRoleOrphaned Indicates whether the role assignment is orphaned due to missing or invalid data.
IsTrusteeOrphaned Indicates whether the role assignment is orphaned due to a missing trustee.
Role Gets the role the trustee is assigned to.
Source Gets the role assignment that is the source for this inherited role assignment.
StartTime Specifies the time from which this role becomes effective.
TrusteeDn Gets the distinguished name of the trustee assigned this role.