Gets all of the UNIX profiles for a specified Active Directory user in the current domain.
IUserUnixProfiles UnixProfiles {get;}
Property value
The collection of UNIX profiles for the user.
The resulting object, UserUnixProfiles
, is the collection of UNIX profiles that
have been defined for the user across all zones.
The following code sample illustrates using UnixProfiles
in a script:
'Get the zone object
Set objZone = cims.GetZone("ajax.org/UNIX/Zones/pilot")
'Get the user object
set objUser = cims.GetUserByPath("LDAP://CN=tai.wu,CN=Users, DC=ajax,DC=org")
'Look up the user’s UNIX profile in the zone
dim objUserUnixProfiles
set objUserUnixProfiles = objUser.UnixProfiles
set objUserUnixProfile = objUserUnixProfiles.Find(objZone)