
The UserInfo class contains methods and properties used to import and map UNIX user profiles to Active Directory user accounts. This class is defined in the Centrify.DirectControl.API.Import namespace.


public interface IUserInfo : IDisposable


The UserInfo class provides the following methods:

Method Description
Commit Commits any changes to the pending import user object and saves them in Active Directory.
Delete Marks the pending user profile object for deletion from Active Directory.
Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
GetCandidate Returns the directory object of a user pending import.
Import Links the pending import user profile with the specified Active Directory user account.
SetCandidate Sets the directory object of a user pending import.
UpdateStatus Checks the Active Directory forest for matching or conflicting information that will allow or prevent a pending import user being imported.


The UserInfo class provides the following properties:

Property Description
CandidateDN Gets the distinguished name (DN) of the import candidate.
Gecos Gets or sets the GECOS field of the UNIX profiles for the pending import user.
HomeDirectory Gets or sets the home directory for the pending import user.
ID Gets the unique ID of the pending import user object.
Name Gets or sets the UNIX user name for a pending import user.
PrimaryGroupID Gets or sets the UNIX group identifier (GID) of the primary group for the pending import user profile.
Shell Gets or sets the default login shell for the pending import user.
Source Gets the text string that describes the source of the pending import data.
Status Gets the status of the pending import user.
StatusDescription Gets a text string that provides detailed information about the status of the pending import user.
TimeStamp Gets the date and time that the pending user profiles were imported from the data source.
UID Gets or sets the UNIX user identifier (UID) for the pending import user profile.