
Gets or sets the flag that indicates whether Active Directory group membership must be maintained.


bool MustMaintainADGroupMembership {get; set;}

Property value

Returns true if the Active Directory group membership must be maintained; otherwise, it returns false.


By default, setting the primary Active Directory group in a user’s UNIX profile does not affect the user’s actual Active Directory group membership.

If you want to enforce Active Directory group membership for new users when you add them to the zone, set this property to true. Setting this property to true displays the Associate Active Directory group membership option in the Zone Properties dialog box.


The following code sample illustrates using MustMaintainADGroupMembership in a script:

'Specify the zone you want to work with  
set zone = GetZone("”)  
'Check whether Active Directory group membership is enforced  
if zone.MustMaintainADGroupMembership then  
wScript.Echo “Active Directory group membership maintained”  
wScript.Echo “No Active Directory group membership needed”  
end if  