
Gets the schema type of the zone object.


ZoneSchema Schema {get;}

Property value

The schema type for the zone.


The schema type defines how data for the zone should be stored in Active Directory and is based on the specific Active Directory schema you are using. Zones can be defined as:

  • Standard IBM Security zones

  • Standard IBM Security RFC 2307-compliant zones

  • IBM Security Services for UNIX (SFU) zones

The schema type provides an additional level of granularity corresponding the specific version of the Active Directory schema you are using and where specific zone properties and UNIX attributes are stored. The schema types currently defined for Centify zones are:

Schema name Value Description
Unknown -1 Schema unknown
Dynamic_Schema_1_0 0 Standard IBM Security zone, version 1.x Uses the IBM Security version 1.x and standard Active Directory schema data storage model. This zone type is for backward compatibility and otherwise no longer in use.
Dynamic_Schema_2_0 1 Standard IBM Security zone, version 2.x and 3.x Uses the IBM Security version 2.x and standard Active Directory schema data storage model. This zone type is for backward compatibility and otherwise no longer in use.
SFU_3_0 2 SFU zone, version 2.x and 3.x Uses a combination of the IBM Security version 3.x and Microsoft Services for UNIX (SFU) 3.0 data storage model. This zone type can be used when Active Directory has the Microsoft Services for UNIX (SFU), version 3.x, schema extension installed. The standard UNIX properties are stored as defined by the Microsoft SFU 3.x schema, but associated with zones. This zone type is for backward compatibility if you have the Microsoft Services for UNIX (SFU) schema extension installed, and otherwise no longer in use.
SFU_4_0 3 SFU zone, version 4.x Uses a combination of the IBM Security version 3.x and Microsoft Services for UNIX (SFU) 4.0 data storage model. This zone type can be used when Active Directory has the Microsoft Services for UNIX (SFU), version 4.0, schema extension installed. The standard UNIX properties are stored as defined by the Microsoft SFU 4.0 schema, but associated with zones. This zone type is for backward compatibility if you have the Microsoft Services for UNIX (SFU) schema extension installed, and otherwise no longer in use.
CDC_RFC_2307 5 Standard RFC 2307-compatible zone, version 3.x Uses the Active Directory RFC 2307-compliant schema data storage model.
Dynamic_Schema_3_0 6 Standard IBM Security zone, version 3.x and 4.x Uses the IBM Security version 4.x and Active Directory schema data storage model. Note: The only difference between the Dynamic_Schema_2_0 data storage model and the Dynamic_Schema_3_0 data storage model is the use of the managedBy attribute. This attribute is set in zones that use the Dynamic_Schema_2_0 schema. The managedBy attribute is not used in zones that use in the Dynamic_Schema_3_0 schema.
CDC_RFC_2307_2 7 Classic RFC 2307-compatible zone, version 4.x Uses the Active Directory RFC 2307-compliant schema data storage model. Note: The only difference between the CDC_RFC_2307 data storage model and the CDC_RFC_2307_2 data storage model is the use of the managedBy attribute. This attribute is set in zones that use the CDC_RFC_2307 schema. The managedBy attribute is not used in zones that use in the CDC_RFC_2307_2 schema.
Dynamic_Schema_5_0 8 Hierarchical zone, version 5.x Uses the IBM Security version 5.x and standard Active Directory schema data storage model. Note: The difference between the Dynamic_Schema_5_0 data storage model and the CDC_RFC_2307_3 data storage model is that in the Dynamic_Schema_5_0 storage model, all IBM Security data is stored as part of the zone. In the CDC_RFC_2307_3 storage model, user and group attributes are stored as part of the User and Group objects.
CDC_RFC_2307_3 9 Hierarchical RFC 2307-compatible zone, version 5.x
SFU_3_0_V5 10 Hierarchical SFU zone, version 5.x

If the zone is not in one of these formats, an exception is thrown. For more information about the difference between these different schema types and the corresponding zone types, see “Planning for data storage in Active Directory” in the Planning and Deployment Guide.


Schema throws an ApplicationException if the zone schema is not recognized.


The following code sample illustrates using this method in a script:

'Specify the zone you want to work with  
set zone = GetZone("")  
'If the zone uses the SFU schema, display its domain  
If zone.IsSFU = true  
wScript.Echo zone.SFUDomain  
end if  