Uninstall DB2 Plug-Ins

Perform the uninstallation procedures described in the following sections on each instance from which you want to remove the Authentication Service for IBM DB2 plug-in software. You must perform these procedures before you upgrade to a new Authentication Service for IBM DB2 release, or to remove a partially installed Authentication Service for IBM DB2 release after a failed installation attempt.

The uninstallation procedures are as follows. Unless otherwise noted, each procedure is required.

  • Execute the uninstalldb2.sh Script on DB2 clients and servers to revert DB2 to the settings that existed before the Authentication Service for IBM DB2 package was installed.

  • Manually Reset DB2 Configuration Variables. This procedure is optional. In most situations, the uninstalldb2.sh script automatically resets DB2 configuration variables to their default values, or to the values that they had before the Authentication Service for IBM DB2 package was installed.

Execute the uninstalldb2 Script

The uninstallation script /usr/share/centrifydc/bin/uninstalldb2.sh will undo the Authentication Service for IBM DB2 installation and revert DB2 to its previous settings. The uninstalldb2.sh script can be run on a DB2 client and a DB2 server. The following table lists the uninstalldb2.sh options.

Options Required Values Description
inst Yes A string value The name of a DB2 database instance.
verbose No 0 or 1 The default is 1 If the value is 0, only the basic questions are asked. All 3 Authentication Service for IBM DB2 plug-ins are uninstalled. If the value is 1, the script prompts for different options, such as which plug-ins to remove.
debug No 0 or 1 The default is 0 If the value is 0, uninstallation is performed. If the value is 1, the script displays the steps without actually performing them. Each command is displayed with a "#" prefix. Use this option to preview what commands are executed in an actual invocation.

Because the inst option is required, you must know the name of the instance from which you are removing the Authentication Service for IBM DB2 plug-in software. The following section describes how to determine the instance name.

Determine the Instance Name

You can determine the instance name in one of these ways:

  • By reviewing the DB2 log in this location:


  • By executing one of the following commands:




On Linux:



Run the uninstalldb2.sh Script

The format for script options is option=value. In the following example, db2inst1 is the name of a DB2 database instance, the verbose option is selected, and the debug mode is not invoked:

uninstalldb2.sh inst=db2inst1 verbose=1

Execute the uninstalldb2.sh script now using options that are appropriate for your DB2 server or client.

Manually Reset DB2 Configuration Variables

This procedure is optional, as configuration variables are typically reset by the uninstalldb2.sh script.

Perform the procedure described in this section to manually set the DB2 configuration variables back to the values they had before the plug-ins were installed. If you know the original plug-in values, reset them accordingly.

If you do not know the original values, use the following commands to reset the variables to their default values. Run these commands as the instance owner:

db2 update dbm cfg using SRVCON_AUTH NOT_SPECIFIED

db2 update dbm cfg using AUTHENTICATION SERVER

db2 update dbm cfg using GROUP_PLUGIN NULL

db2 update dbm cfg using LOCAL_GSSPLUGIN NULL

db2 update dbm cfg using SRVCON_GSSPLUGIN_LIST NULL

db2 update dbm cfg using SRVCON_PW_PLUGIN NULL
These commands work for both a DB2 client and a DB2 server.


For further information about setting up DB2, see the following documentation: