Modifying the Samba smb.conf Configuration File

The Samba configuration file, /etc/samba/smb.conf, defines important parameters for Samba-based file sharing. After you have verified the Samba integration with the Authentication Service and Active Directory using a sample configuration file and the test share, you need to modify the smb.conf file so that it accurately represents your environment.

This smb.conf file must include the [global] section that defines the Active Directory domain, authentication methods, and other parameters. The file should also include a section for each directory you are making accessible as a SMB share.

At the beginning of a line, both the hash symbol (#) and the semi-colon (;) indicate lines to ignore. By convention, in this file, the hash indicates a comment and the semi-colon indicates a parameter you may wish to enable.

If you specify multiple users in valid users, user names can be separated by a comma or by white space.

The settings in the [global] section are required whether you use the sample configuration file or create your own smb.conf file. The settings in the [homes] section indicate that you want to share home directories, and the [samba-test] section describes the samba-test share as a publicly-writable share mapped to the /samba-test directory. For more information about editing the Samba configuration file and the supported parameters, see the Samba documentation.

A sample Samba smb.conf Configuration File

The adbindproxy script tests to determine what operating system is running on the host and generates an smb.conf file appropriate to that platform.

In the following sample file, it runs on a CentOS computer in the domain and the Samba share is called MyShare.

# This file was generated by ADBindProxy Utility
    security = ADS
    realm = ARCADE.NET
    workgroup = ARCADE
    netbios name = centos-6
    auth methods = guest, sam, winbind, ntdomain
    machine password timeout = 0
    passdb backend = tdbsam:/var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb
    # Samba versions 3.4.0 and newer have replaced "use kerberos keytab"
    # with "kerberos method".  The directive "kerberos method = secrets and keytab"
    # enables Samba to honor service tickets that are still valid but were
    # created before the Samba server's password was changed.
    kerberos method = secrets and keytab
    # Setting "client use spnego principal" to true instructs SMB client to 
    # trust the service principal name returned by the SMB server. Otherwise, 
    # client cannot be authenticated via Kerberos by the server in a different
    # domain even though the two domains are mutually trusted.
  #  client use spnego principal = true
    # Setting send spnego principal to yes .
    # Otherwise, it will not send this principal between Samba and Windows 2008
  #  send spnego principal = Yes
    # If your Samba server only serves to Windows systems, try server signing = mandatory.
    server signing = auto
    client ntlmv2 auth = yes
    client use spnego = yes 
    template shell = /bin/bash
    winbind use default domain = Yes
    winbind enum users = No
    winbind enum groups = No
    winbind nested groups = Yes
    idmap cache time = 0
  #  ignore syssetgroups error = No
    idmap config * : backend  = tdb
    idmap config * : range = 1000 - 200000000
    idmap config * : base_tdb = 0
    enable core files = false
    #  Disable Logging to syslog, and only write log to Samba standard log files.
    #syslog = 0
    path = /samba-test
    public = yes
    #  if set  public = No, we should  set parameter valid users .
    #  and when the user or group is in AD , the setting syntaxes is:
    #  valid users = CPUBS\username +CPUBS\group
    writable = yes
	 path = /samba-test
	 browsable = yes
	 writable = yes
	 guest ok = yes
	 read only = no
    comment = Home directories
    read only = No
    browseable = No

SMB.conf File Variations for Different Platforms

Some platforms will have slight variations in the smb.conf file, as follows:

  • On HP-UX computers, the following line is added:

    guest account = smbnull

  • On SuSE computers, the following lines are added:

   # Suse 11 CUPS printing appears to crash at start up  
    # So we disable printing on this platform for now  
    printing = BSD
  • On AIX computers, the following comments are added:
# On AIX, the service NMBD may fail to start because Samba 
# cannot determine the correct IP subnet mask.
# In this case, you can manually specify the correct subnet mask.
# For example if you have the following configuration:
# Interface     = eth0
# IP Address    =
# Subnet mask   =
# then set the interfaces keyword as follows:
# interfaces = eth0

Testing Changes to the smb.conf File

When you make changes to the smb.conf file, you should run the Samba utility testparm to make sure there are no errors in your smb.conf file before putting it into production use. When you run the testparm utility, you should see output similar to the following:

Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[samba-test]"
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

	workgroup = ARCADE
	realm = ARCADE.NET
		security = ADS
	auth methods = guest, sam, winbind, ntdomain
	passdb backend = tdbsam:/etc/samba/private/passdb.tdb
	syslog = 0
	enable core files = No
	server signing = auto
	machine password timeout = 0
	adbindproxy backend = cdc:/usr/share/centrifydc/lib/
	adbindproxy standard mappers = No
	template shell = /bin/bash
	winbind use default domain = Yes

	comment = Home Directories
	read only = No
	browseable = No

	comment = All Printers
	path = /usr/spool/samba
	printable = Yes
	browseable = No

	path = /samba-test
	read only = No
	guest ok = Yes