PuTTY Release Notes (Verify Privilege Server Suite 2022.1)
Additional Information and Support
About this Release
PuTTY is a popular open-source client on Windows and UNIX-based computers that provides access to remote machines using well-known network protocols such as Telnet, SSH, rlogin and raw TCP. However, it does not support Kerberos authentication.
IBM Security has enhanced PuTTY so that user authentication can be accomplished using Kerberos before establishing a remote connection. The IBM Security-enhanced version of PuTTY takes advantage of the Kerberos environment that the IBM Security DirectControl agent sets up automatically on managed UNIX and Linux computers. By using the IBM Security PuTTY client to access IBM Security-managed computer, you gain the benefits of centralized authentication and password policy enforcement using a secure and well-established authentication infrastructure.
IBM Security PuTTY is currently integrated with open-source PuTTY version 0.75.
Delinea software is protected by U.S. Patents 7,591,005; 8,024,360; 8,321,523; 9,015,103; 9,112,846; 9,197,670; 9,378,391 and 9,442,962. (Ref: CS-44575)
Feature Changes
Verify Privilege Server Suite and its component services have been changed to use the new IBM Security name and logo.
For more information about Delinea, see Delinea Announcement
Fixed Issues
- Fixed a crash in Putty during startup or when configuring or loading the settings under Connection->SSH->Kerberos. (Ref: 425942)
Known Issues
- puttytel does not support Kerberos authentication.
- If you specify Alternate Kerberos credentials on the SSH > Kerberos properties page, you will always be prompted for a password. This will happen even if you choose to remember the password when first prompted for it.
Additional Information and Support
In addition to the documentation provided with this package, see the IBM Security Knowledge Base for answers to common questions and other information (including any general or platform-specific known limitations), tips, or suggestions. You can also contact IBM Security Support directly with your questions through the IBM Security Web site, by email, or by telephone.
The IBM Security Resources web site provides access to a wide range of information including analyst report, best practice brief, case study, datasheet, ebook, white papers, etc., that may help you optimize your use of IBM Security products. For more information, see the IBM Security Resources web site.
You can also contact IBM Security Support directly with your questions through the IBM Security Web site, by email, or by telephone. To contact IBM Security Support or to get help with installing or using this software, send email to support@delinea.com or call 1-202-991-0540. For information about purchasing or evaluating IBM Security products, send email to info@delinea.com.