Audit Manager

Audit Manager is a Microsoft management console (MMC) that you can use to configure and manage the deployment of audit components, such as audit stores and audit store databases, audit roles, collectors, and agents. Audit Manager is available with Verify Privilege Server Suite. Audit events generated by Audit Manager primarily involve the installation and configuration of auditing components such as management databases, audit stores, and audit store databases, and changes to audit role and user permissions.

Audit Analyzer Audit Event Log Sample

The following is a sample of an audit event log for Centrify Audit Event ID 3001. This log sample documents a session being deleted. The change was made by user=administrator@acme.vms on April 20, 2016 at 05:51:01.

04/20/2016 05:51:01 PM LogName=Application 
SourceName=Centrify AuditTrail V2 EventCode=3001 
EventType=4 Type=Information ComputerName=
member.acme.vms User=NOT_TRANSLATED Sid=S-1-
5-21-3883016548-1611565816-1967702834-500 SidType=0 
TaskCategory=%1 OpCode=Info RecordNumber=60622 
Keywords=Classic Message=Product: Centrify Suite Category: 
Audit Analyzer Event name: Delete session Message: 1 out 
of 1 selected sessions are successfully deleted. Apr 20 
17:51:00 member.acme.vms mmc[4064]: INFO 
AUDIT_TRAIL|Centrify Suite|Audit Analyzer|1.0|1|Delete 
sessionId=11 CentrifyEventID=3001 DAInst=
AuditingInstallation DASessID=c72252aa-e616-44ff-a5f6-
d3f53f09bb67 sessions_deleted=1 sessions_selected=1

Audit Manager Audit Events

Audit Manager Audit Events

Event Id Description Parameters
12200 Video capture status updatedv installation: audit and monitoring service Installation VideoCaptureStatus: video capture status
12201 Create new installation succeededv installation: Name of the installation
12202 Create new installation failedv installation: Name of the installation reason: Error message
12203 Installation update succeededv installation: Name of the installation Installation Property: Name of the updated installation property Installation Property Value: Value of the updated installation property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove)
12204 Installation update failedv installation: Name of the installation Installation Property: Name of the updated installation property Installation Property Value: Value of the updated installation property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove) reason: Error message
12205 Installation permissions update succeededv installation: Name of the installation User/Group: Name of the user or group Permissions: Permissions assigned to the user or group
12206 Installation permissions update failed installation: Name of the installation User/Group: Name of the user or group Permissions: Permissions assigned to the user or group reason: Error message
12207 Remove installation succeeded installation: Name of the installation
12208 Remove installation failed installation: Name of the installation reason: Error message
12251 Audit options updated installation: audit and monitoring service Installation DisableSelfReview: Disable reviewing own sessions DisableSelfDelete: Disable deleting own sessions
12209 Add Management Database succeeded installation: Name of the installation Management Database: Name of the Management Database
12210 Add Management Database failed installation: Name of the installation Management Database: Name of the Management Database reason: Error message
12211 Management Database update succeeded installation: Name of the installation Management Database: Name of the Management Database Management Database Property: Name of the updated Management Database property Management Database Property Value: Value of the updated Management Database property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove)
12212 Management Database update failed installation: Name of the installation Management Database: Name of the Management Database Management Database Property: Name of the updated Management Database property Management Database Property Value: Value of the updated Management Database property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove) reason: Error message
12213 Management Database permissions update succeeded installation: Name of the installation Management Database: Name of the Management Database User/Group: Name of the user or group Permissions: Permissions assigned to the user or group
12214 Management Database permissions update failed installation: Name of the installation Management Database: Name of the Management Database User/Group: Name of the user or group Permissions: Permissions assigned to the user or group reason: Error message
12215 Remove Management Database succeeded installation: Name of the installation Management Database: Name of the Management Database
12216 Remove Management Database failed installation: Name of the installation Management Database: Name of the Management Database reason: Error message
12217 Add Audit Store succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store
12218 Add Audit Store failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store reason: Error message
12219 Audit Store update succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Property: Name of the updated Audit Store property Audit Store Property Value: Value of the updated Audit Store property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove)
12220 Audit Store update failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Property: Name of the updated Audit Store property Audit Store Property Value: Value of the updated Audit Store property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove) reason: Error message
12221 Audit Store permissions update succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store User/Group: Name of the user or group Permissions: Permissions assigned to the user or group
12222 Audit Store permissions update failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store User/Group: Name of the user or group Permissions: Permissions assigned to the user or group reason: Error message
12223 Remove Audit Store succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store
12224 Remove Audit Store failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store reason: Error message
12225 Add Audit Store Database succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database
12226 Add Audit Store Database failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database reason: Error message
12227 Attach Audit Store Database succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database
12228 Attach Audit Store Database failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database reason: Error message
12229 Attach audit and monitoring service Version 1 Database succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the audit and monitoring service Version 1 Database
12230 Attach audit and monitoring service Version 1 Database failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the audit and monitoring service Version 1 Database reason: Error message
12231 Set Active Audit Store Database succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database
12232 Set Active Audit Store Database failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database reason: Error message
12233 Audit Store Database update succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database Audit Store Database Property: Name of the updated Audit Store Database property Audit Store Database Property Value: Value of the updated Audit Store Database property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove)
12234 Audit Store Database update failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database Audit Store Database Property: Name of the updated Audit Store Database property Audit Store Database Property Value: Value of the updated Audit Store Database property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove) reason: Error message
12235 Detach Audit Store Database succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database
12236 Detach Audit Store Database failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database reason: Error message
12237 Delete Audit Store Database succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database
12238 Delete Audit Store Database failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Store: Name of the Audit Store Audit Store Database: Name of the Audit Store Database reason: Error message
12239 Add Audit Role succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role
12240 Add Audit Role failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role reason: Error message
12241 Audit Role update succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role Audit Role Property: Name of the updated Audit Role property Audit Role Property Value: Value of the updated Audit Role property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove)
12242 Audit Role update failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role Audit Role Property: Name of the updated Audit Role property Audit Role Property Value: Value of the updated Audit Role property Operation: Type of operation (Set or Add or Remove) reason: Error message
12243 Audit Role permissions update succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role User/Group: Name of the user or group Permissions: Permissions assigned to the user or group
12244 Audit Role permissions update failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role User/Group: Name of the user or group Permissions: Permissions assigned to the user or group reason: Error message
12245 Audit Role assign member succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role User/Group: Name of the user or group
12246 Audit Role assign member failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role User/Group: Name of the user or group reason: Error message
12247 Audit Role remove member succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role User/Group: Name of the user or group
12248 Audit Role remove member failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role User/Group: Name of the user or group reason: Error message
12249 Delete Audit Role succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role
12250 Delete Audit Role failed installation: Name of the installation Audit Role: Name of the Audit Role reason: Error message