Centrify Audit & Monitoring Service Advanced Monitoring

If you have enabled Centrify Audit & Monitoring Service for advanced monitoring, you can generate data for three additional auditing reports, as follows:

  • Monitored execution report: This report shows the monitored commands being executed on the audited machines—including information on commands that are run individually or as part of scripts.

  • Detailed execution report: This report shows all of the commands being executed on the audited machines—including commands that are run as part of scripts or other commands.

  • File monitor report: This report shows the sensitive files being modified by users on the audited machines.

Advanced Monitoring Audit Event Log Sample

The following is a sample of an audit event log for Centrify Audit Event ID 57300. This log sample documents a session where a user attempted to modify a monitored file. The change was made by root@al_rhel6_2.altest.acme.com on November 2, 2016 at 06:09:01.

Nov 2 06:09:01 al_rhel6_2 adclient[27002]: INFO   
AUDIT_TRAIL|Centrify Suite|DirectAudit Advanced   
Monitoring|1.0|300|Monitored file modification   
attempted|5|user=<no_login_user> pid=32393   
utc=1478092141432 CentrifyEventID=57300   
DAInst=AuditingInstallation DASessID=c72252aa-  
e616-44ff-a5f6-d3f53f09bb67 status=SUCCESS   
syscall=unlink status=0 timestamp=1478092141.432000   
auid=<no_login_user> uid=root@al_rhel6_2.altest.  
acme.com processid=32393 ppid=32392 gid=root   
euid=root@al_rhel6_2.altest.acme.com cwd=/ accessType=2   
command=/usr/bin/python argc=-1 args=/etc/pki/nssdb/

Centrify Audit & Monitoring Service Advanced Monitoring Audit Events

Audit and Monitoring Service Advanced Monitoring Audit Events

Event ID Description Parameters
57200 Monitored program is executed syscall: system call exitcode: exit code timestamp: timestamp auid: login user uid: user procid: process id ppid: parent process id gid: group euid: effective user cwd: current working directory cmd: command argc: no of arguments args: arguments
57201 Monitored program failed to execute syscall: system call exitcode: exit code timestamp: timestamp auid: login user uid: user procid: process id ppid: parent process id gid: group euid: effective user cwd: current working directory cmd: command argc: no of arguments args: arguments
57300 Monitored file modification attempted syscall: system call exitcode: exit code timestamp: timestamp auid: login user uid: user procid: process id ppid: parent process id gid: group euid: effective user cwd: current working directory accType: access Type cmd: command argc: no of arguments args: arguments
57301 Monitored file modification attempt failed syscall: system call exitcode: exit code timestamp: timestamp auid: login user uid: user procid: process id ppid: parent process id gid: group euid: effective user cwd: current working directory accType: access Type cmd: command argc: no of arguments args: arguments
57400 Command execution is started syscall: syscall exitcode: exit code timestamp: timestamp auid: auid uid: uid pid: pid ppid: ppid gid: gid euid: euid cwd: current working directory command: command argc: no of arguments args: arguments
57401 Command execution fails to start syscall: syscall exitcode: exit code timestamp: timestamp auid: auid uid: uid pid: pid ppid: ppid gid: gid euid: euid cwd: current working directory command: command argc: no of arguments args: arguments