Centrify Audit & Monitoring Service System Management

The auditing module’s detailed, real-time auditing of privileged user sessions on Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems provides a full accounting of user activity and system access. Centrify Audit & Monitoring Service System Management is available with Centrify Audit & Monitoring Service. The audit and monitoring service audit events focus on collector service, collector settings, and agent settings.

Centrify Audit & Monitoring Service System Management audit event log sample

The following is a sample of an audit event log for Centrify Audit Event ID 42251. This log sample documents the successful start of the collector service on computer ‘MEMBER’. The change was made by user=system@nt authority on April 05, 2016 at 14:59:56.

04/05/2016 03:00:01 PM LogName=Application SourceName=  
 Centrify AuditTrail V2 EventCode=42251 EventType=4
 Type=Information ComputerName=member.acme.vms   
 User=NOT_TRANSLATED Sid=S-1-5-18 SidType=0   
 TaskCategory=%1 OpCode=Info RecordNumber=51722   
Keywords=Classic Message=Product: Centrify Suite Category:   
 DirectAudit System Management Event name: Start collector   
 service succeeded Message: Collector service was started   
 successfully on computer 'MEMBER'. Apr 05 14:59:56   
 member.acme.vms collector[1344]: INFO AUDIT_TRAIL|  
 Centrify Suite|DirectAudit System Management|1.0|251|Start   
 collector service succeeded|5|user=system@nt authority   
 userSid=S-1-5-18 sessionId=0 centrifyEventID=42251   
 DAInst=AuditingInstallation DASessID=c72252aa-e616-  
 44ff-a5f6-d3f53f09bb67 installation=DefaultInstallation   

Centrify Audit & Monitoring Service System Management audit events

Audit and Monitoring Service System Management Audit Events

Centrify Event Id Description Parameters
42251 Start collector service succeeded installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer
42252 Start collector service failed installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer reason: Error message
42253 Stop collector service succeeded installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer
42254 Stop collector service failed installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer reason: Error message
42255 Collector settings update succeeded installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer Collector setting: Name of the updated collector setting Collector setting value: Value of the updated collector setting
42256 Collector settings update failed installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer Collector setting: Name of the updated collector setting Collector setting value: Value of the updated collector setting reason: Error message
42257 Start agent service succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audited system: Name of the audited system
42258 Start agent service failed installation: Name of the installation Audited System: Name of the audited system reason: Error message
42259 Stop agent service succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audited system: Name of the audited system
42260 Stop agent service failed installation: Name of the installation Audited system: Name of the audited system reason: Error message
42261 Agent settings update succeeded installation: Name of the installation Audited system: Name of the audited system Agent setting: Name of the updated agent setting Agent setting value: Value of the updated agent setting
42262 Agent settings update failed installation: Name of the installation Audited system: Name of the audited system Agent setting: Name of the updated agent setting Agent setting value: Value of the updated agent setting reason: Error message
42263 Start audit management service succeeded added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer
42264 Start audit management service failed added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer reason: Error message
42265 Stop audit management service succeeded added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer
42266 Stop audit management service failed added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer reason: Error message
42267 Started the collector service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer User: User name
42268 Failed to start the collector service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer User: User name reason: Error message
42269 Stopped the collector service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer User: User name
42270 Failed to stop the collector service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer User: User name reason: Error message
42271 Restarted the collector service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer User: User name
42272 Failed to restart the collector service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Collector: Name of the collector computer User: User name reason: Error message
42273 Started the audit management service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer User: User name
42274 Failed to start the audit management service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer User: User name reason: Error message
42275 Stopped the audit management service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer User: User name
42276 Failed to stop the audit management service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer User: User name reason: Error message
42277 Restarted the audit management service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer User: User name
42278 Good Failed to restart the audit management service added in release 18.11 installation: Name of the installation Audit Management: Name of the audit management computer User: User name reason: Error message