Command (Audited and Successfully Executed Commands)

Command audit events are recorded when Centrify UNIX command-line programs are used on Centrify-managed computers. Centrify UNIX command audit events focus on the execution success or failure of the audited command.

Command Audit Event Log Sample

Nov 26 00:32:01 Eason adclient[31118]: INFO 
AUDIT_TRAIL|Centrify Suite|Command|1.0|100 
|Audited command is executed|5|user= 
pid=31937 utc=1416979921469 CentrifyEventID=48100 
DAInst=AuditingInstallation DASessID=c72252aa-e616 
-44ff-a5f6-d3f53f09bb67 status=SUCCESS 
command=/bin/ls -l data.txt

Command Audit Events

Event Source Category: Command

Event Id Description Parameters
48100 Audited command is executed command: command
48101 Audited command fails to be executed command: command reason: error message