
The dzinfo command displays rights, roles, and role assignments events. The dzinfo audit events focus on the success and failure of the dzinfo command.

dzinfo Audit Event Log Sample

The following is a sample of an audit event log for Centrify Audit Event ID 42001. This log sample documents that a user failed run dzinfo to view another user’s settings; only the user=root can view other user’s settings. The change was made by user=eugene.user(type:ad,eugene.user@CENTSPLUNK.COM) on April 28 at 10:35:47.

Apr 28 10:35:47 sspl1-n2 adclient[1835]: INFO AUDIT_ 
TRAIL|Centrify Suite|dzinfo|1.0|3001|Dzinfo failed|5|user 
pid=59947 utc=1461864947244 CentrifyEventID=42001 
DAInst=AuditingInstallation DASessID=c72252aa-e616- 
44ff-a5f6-d3f53f09bb67 status=FAILURE service=dzinfo 
parameters=-c aaron.admin reason=Only root may view 
other user's settings

dzinfo Audit Events

dzinfo Audit Events

Event Id Description Parameters
42000 dzinfo successful parameters: parameters
42001 dzinfo failed parameters: parameters reason: error message