Synchronized Active Directory Attributes for Reports

This section covers which Active Directory attributes that report services synchronizes for use in reports. Report services synchronizes these attributes from Active Directory to the reports database in a one-way synchronization process.

AD Computer

Active Directory class Computer
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name sAMAccountName userAccountControl primaryGroupID dNSHostName operatingSystem operatingSystemVersion operatingSystemServicePack description whenCreated pwdLastSet objectSid sIDHistory managedBy location givenName postalAddress

AD Group

Active Directory class group
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description gidNumber groupType mail member msSFU30GidNumber msSFU30Name msSFU30NisDomain objectSid primaryGroupToken sAMAccountName sIDHistory whenCreated managedBy

AD User

Active Directory class user
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name sAMAccountName userPrincipalName userAccountControl primaryGroupID msSFU30NisDomain uid uidNumber
Attributes (continued) gidNumber loginShell unixHomeDirectory gecos msSFU30Name msSFUUidNumber msSFU30GidNumber msSFU30HomeDirectory msSFU30Gecos whenCreated
Attributes (continued) lastLogonTimestamp accountExpires lockoutTime pwdLastSet givenName sn initials displayName description
Attributes (continued) physicalDeliveryOfficeName telephoneNumber mail wWWHomePage objectSid SIDHistory streetAddress postOfficeBox l st
Attributes (continued) postalCode co homePhone otherHomePhone pager otherPager mobile otherMobile facsimileTelephoneNumber otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber
Attributes (continued) ipPhone otherIpPhone title department company manager profilePath scriptPath homeDirectory homeDrive msNPAllowDialin
Attributes (continued) msNPCallingStationID msRADIUSServiceType msRADIUSCallbackNumber msRADIUSFramedIPAddress msRADIUSFramedRoute

Application Right

Active Directory msDS-AzOperation
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-AzOperationID

Command Right

Active Directory class msDS-AzOperation
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-AzOperationID

Computer Role

Active Directory class msDS-AzScope
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-AzOperationID

Computer SCP

Active Directory class serviceConnectionPoint
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name displayName keywords managedBy whenCreated

Computer Zone AzScope

Active Directory class msDS-AzScope
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name displayName msDS-AzScopeName

Computer Zone Container

Active Directory class container
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name displayName description


Active Directory class all possible container classes
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name

Desktop Right

Active Directory class msDS-AzOperation
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-AzOperationID


Active Directory class domainDNS
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes msDS-LogonTimeSyncInterval distinguishedName lockoutDuration

Dzsh Command Right

Active Directory class msDS-AzOperation
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-AzOperationID

Group SCP

Active Directory class serviceConnectionPoint
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name displayName keywords gidNumber managedBy

License Container

Active Directory class classStore
Available in zone mode? No
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name displayName description whenCreated

Local Group SCP

Active Directory class serviceConnectionPoint
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name displayName keywords gidNumber

Local User SCP

Active Directory class serviceConnectionPoint
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name displayName keywords uid uidNumber gidNumber unixHomeDirectory loginShell gecos

Network Right

Active Directory class msDS-AzOperation
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-AzOperationID

Pam Right

Active Directory class msDS-AzOperation
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData

Privileged Command Right

Active Directory class msDS-AzOperation
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-AzOperationID

Restricted Environment

Active Directory class msDS-AzTask
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-OperationsForAzTask


Active Directory class msDS-AzTask
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-OperationsForAzTask msDS-TasksForAzTask

Role Assignment

Active Directory class msDS-AzRole
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name displayName msDS-AzApplicationData msDS-TasksForAzRole msDS-MembersForAzRole

Ssh Right

Active Directory class msDS-AzOperation
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description msDS-AzApplicationData

User SCP

Active Directory class serviceConnectionPoint
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name displayName name keywords uid uidNumber gidNumber unixHomeDirectory loginShell gecos managedBy


Active Directory class container or OU
Available in zone mode? Yes
Available in domain mode? Yes
Attributes objectGUID parentGUID name description displayName