Enabling Maintenance Mode

Turning on maintenance mode allows you to temporarily prevent users from changing roles, secrets, or secret-related data such as dependencies, templates, and password requirements. For example, you would want to enable Maintenance Mode while migrating the Verify Privilege Vault application to a new server with a different domain.

To turn on Maintenance Mode:

  1. Go to Admin > Server Nodes.

  2. In the related node click the edit icon.

  3. Check the box next to the Maintenance Mode.

  4. Click Save.

    Note: When Verify Privilege Vault is in Maintenance Mode, a notification bar is displayed to alert users.

To return Verify Privilege Vault from Maintenance Mode to normal operation, click the edit icon again and uncheck the box next to Maintenance Mode. When done, click Save.

When Verify Privilege Vault is in its normal running mode, the Maintenance Mode notification bar is no longer displayed to users.