Technical Support

To have access to IBM Security Technical Support, you must have an equal number of unexpired user and support licenses. All support licenses expire 365 days after they are issued.

Technical Support Coverage

Please see our Getting Technical Support section below.

Please see the Support link on the menu above on for details about our support policies.

Accessing Upgrades

Supported customers have access to all new releases (both minor and major). See .

Requesting New Features and Providing Feedback

We encourage customers with active support licensing to provide feedback on our IBM Security Ideas Portal.

Getting Technical Support

Important: Please see the Support link on the menu above for details about our support policies.

Step One: Gather Information You May Need

Before you contact Support, gather the following information:

  • Your IBM Security Support username and password
  • The email account already associated with your account (if using email)
  • Your company name
  • The technical contact name
  • The technical contact phone number
  • The product name
  • Issue symptoms and details
  • Any other relevant details, such as hours the technical contact is present

Step Two: Get a Mandatory Support PIN

Verify Privilege Vault

The support PIN validates that your license includes support, and you must provide the PIN in your email or when you call. The PIN also makes it easier for IBM Security Support to locate your customer records and give you better support.

To get your PIN:

  1. Get the log on the credentials you received when you became a IBM Security customer.

  2. Log on the Support Portal using your credentials.

  3. On the main page, click the large blue PIN bar to get your PIN. The PIN appears on the button.

  4. Record your PIN.

  5. If you want to use our ticketing system for support, leave the browser tab open, and return for step four.

Verify Privilege Vault Cloud

The support PIN validates that your license includes support, and you must provide the PIN in your email or when you call. The PIN also makes it easier for IBM Security Support to locate your customer records and give you better support. In addition, there is an additional "privileged PIN" for accessing your cloud instance.

To get your PIN:

  1. Log on the Cloud Manager Dashboard.

  2. Click the Generate Tech Support PIN button. A Tech Support PIN popup appears.

  3. Record your PIN.

  4. Click the Generate Privilege PIN button. Another Tech Support PIN popup appears.

  5. Record your privileged PIN. Note that privileged PINs begin with "p"

    Important: Providing us a privileged PIN gives IBM Security Technical Support write access to your cloud database for one day. Secrets and other sensitive data remain encrypted and unreadable.

Step Three: Choose a Support Method

IBM Security customers have access to support by phone, email, and our support ticketing system (best for issue tracking). In all cases, you must first obtain a support PIN.

For Severity 1 issues you must use phone support. Otherwise, use the method you prefer.​ Severity 1 means a critical problem that has caused complete loss of service and work cannot reasonably continue at your worksite.​

Step Four: Contact Support

Click the Support link on the menu above for Support email addresses and phone numbers.

Using one of the below methods, contact IBM Security Support.

Phone Support

IBM Security delivers support by phone worldwide. Select the applicable number from the list on the Support link in the menu above.

Email Support

Send your email to with the PIN number as part of the subject line of your email. For example: PIN 345 Workflow Stopped Unexpectedly. Include all the information listed in step one.

You must send your email using an email address already noted in your account with IBM Security. Otherwise, it might delay our response

Ticketing System Support

Open a support ticket and track your issue to resolution.

  • Visit the Support Portal Login Page and login using the credentials you received when you became a customer.
  • After logging on, click the Log a Case button to create a new case or click Case Management > Cases to manage an existing one.