Verify Privilege Vault: 10.9.000005/32 Release Notes

Release date:

  • December 8, 2020 (on-premises version)

Critical Issue—Please Update to 10.9.000033 As Soon As Possible

We discovered a critical issue in Verify Privilege Vault version 10.9.000032 shortly after releasing it. We encourage you to update to 10.9.000033 as soon as possible.

Important: If you have been affected by this issue, you may need to take corrective action in addition to updating. Please see below.

All the original notes for 10.9.000032, all of which still apply, appear in the Verify Privilege Vault: 10.9.000005/33 Release Notes.

Specifics appear below:


The issue occurs when managing local groups, users or roles in the User Management section of the New UI. This affects pages with URLs starting with https://<Verify Privilege Vault>/app/#/admin/user-management/… When editing lists, the number of items in the list is erroneously limited to the number displayed in the UI. If the list previously contained additional items, they are removed when the list is edited.

Impact Examples

  • When editing a local group, the number of users in the group is limited to 30.
  • When editing the roles assigned to a group, the list of roles is limited to 30.
  • When editing the roles assignments for a user, the list of roles is limited to 10.
  • When editing the group memberships for a user, the list of groups is limited to 30.
  • When filtering a group member list by domain and then editing the members, the member list only shows the filtered domain members, hiding the members from other domains.


If you cannot immediately update to 10.9.000033 or you have already been affected by the issue, please use the classic user interface when making changes to group membership, role assignment, or editing user roles or groups.

Verify Privilege Vault 10.9.000032 automatically redirects attempts to edit users in the classic UI to the new UI, so you must directly navigate to the user management page by going to https://<Verify Privilege Vault>/users.aspx?legacyui=true to edit them.

Versions Affected

Verify Privilege Vault 10.9.000032 is affected.

Verify Privilege Vault Cloud trials and new instances provisioned on or after 10 December 2020 are affected. Instances provisioned before 10 December 2020 are not affected.


Customers impacted by this issue must manually restore their group and role assignments. Verify Privilege Vault audit logs contain the required recovery information, such as which users were removed from a group. Use the classic UI (via the above mentioned URL) for doing this.


We removed Verify Privilege Vault 10.9.000032 from our download sites.