Using Dynamic Parameters in Reports

As version 7.0, Verify Privilege Vault allows creation of Reports using custom SQL.

Reporting supports embedding certain parameters into the SQL to give the viewer controls to dynamically change the report. The supported parameters are:

Primary Parameters


This displays a calendar picker on view and returns a date. This defaults to beginning of the year and truncates the hours and minutes to 12:00 AM.

Example: display all users who have logged in after a certain date:

FROM tbUser
  LEFT JOIN tbDomain ON tbUser.DomainId = tbDomain.DomainId
  LastLogin > #STARTDATE


This displays a calendar picker on view and returns a date. This defaults the current day and truncates the hours and minutes to 11:59 PM.

Example: display all users who have logged on a certain date:

FROM tbUser
  LEFT JOIN tbDomain ON tbUser.DomainId = tbDomain.DomainId
  LastLogin > #STARTDATE
  LastLogin < #ENDDATE


This displays a user dropdown list with all active users on view and returns an user id. This defaults to the current logged in user.

Example: display all audit entries for a certain user:

FROM tbAuditUser tau INNER JOIN tbUser tu ON tau.UserId=tu.UserId WHERE tu.UserId=#USER


This is an internal parameter that returns the current instance's organization code. This is only useful for Verify Privilege Vault Online (a legacy product, which is not the same as Verify Privilege Vault Cloud). Do not use this parameter in your reports for either Verify Privilege Vault On-Premises or Verify Privilege Vault Cloud.

As of Verify Privilege Vault 7.8.000048 the #GROUP parameter is also available.


Displays a group dropdown list with all active groups on view and returns a group id. This defaults to the All Vault Users group.

Example: display the group details of the selected group:

FROM tbGroup


Displays a folder picker that shows all Folders and returns a folder id.

Example: Display secret names in a selected folder:

FROM tbSecret s
WHERE s.Folderid = #FOLDERID


Displays a folder picker that shows all folders and returns the path of the folder.

Example: display folders that are child folders of the selected path:

FROM tbFolder f
WHERE FolderPath LIKE '%' + #FOLDERPATH + '%'


Displays a text input where a user can put in arbitrary free text for searching.

Example: display secrets that have names that contain the text input:

FROM tbFolder f
WHERE FolderPath LIKE '%' + #CUSTOMTEXT + '%'

Additional Parameters

The following additional parameters can be used to make your report more dynamic:


Table: Additional Parameters

Parameter Name Description
#ENDCURRENTMONTH The last day of current month
#ENDCURRENTYEAR December 31st of the current year
#ENDPREVIOUSMONTH The last day of the previous month at 11:59:59 PM
#ENDPREVIOUSYEAR December 31st of the previous year
#ENDTODAY End of today at 11:59:59 PM
#ENDWEEK End of the current week (Sunday) at 11:59:59 PM
#ENDYESTERDAY End of Yesterday at 11:59:59 PM
#STARTCURRENTMONTH The first day of current month
#STARTCURRENTYEAR January 1st of the current year
#STARTPREVIOUSMONTH The first day of the previous month at 12:00 AM
#STARTPREVIOUSYEAR January 1st of the previous year
#STARTTODAY Beginning of today at 12:00 AM
#STARTWEEK Beginning of the current week (Monday) at 12:00 AM
#STARTYESTERDAY Beginning of yesterday at 12:00 AM


For example, the following script would give you a list of all users who have logged on during the last calendar month:

FROM tbUser
  LEFT  JOIN tbDomain ON tbUser.DomainId = tbDomain.DomainId
As of Verify Privilege Vault 7.8.000048, the #STARTWEEK and #ENDWEEK parameters are available.

Coloring Your Reports

Another option when creating reports is to include a Column in your SQL query called "Color" this will give the row that particular color. See HTML Color Names.

For example, to show users who haven't logged in within 90 days in Red:

SELECT DisplayName
    WHEN LastLogin < GetDate() - 90 THEN 'Red'
    ELSE 'White'
  END AS Color
FROM tbUser