SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition Installation

This topic only applies to Verify Privilege Vault On-Premise.


The following steps walk you through setup and configuration for SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition as an example. For the most up to date resources on installing SQL see Microsoft SQL Technical Documentation for more information.

At the completion of this article you will have:

  • Installed a basic stand-alone instance of SQL Server 2016 Standard with the minimum features necessary for SQL Server.
  • Installed SQL Server Management Studio for managing the local database.
  • Created a database in SQL for your IBM Security product
  • Created a new SQL Server user login for your SQL database
This document uses IBM Security's Verify Privilege Vault product as example in the instructions, but the same steps apply for Verify Privilege Manager advanced installs.


Installing SQL Server 2016

  1. Launch the SQL Server installer from CD or file download. The SQL Server Installation Center opens to the Planning window:

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  2. Click the System Configuration Checker link. This runs a tool that checks for conditions on your server that could prevent SQL Server from installing.

  3. When the tool launches, click the Show details button. A successful scan should look like the one shown below. If you encounter any issues, look at the detailed report, resolve the reported issues, and rerun the scan.


  4. Click the OK button when done to return to the "SQL Server Installation Center" window.

  5. In the SQL Server Installation Center window, click the Installation link. The Installation Window appears:


  6. Click New SQL Server stand-alone installation… link. The Product Key page appears:

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  7. Click to select the Enter the Product Key selection button.

  8. Type your product key in the Enter the Product Key text box.

  9. Click the Next > button. The License Terms page appears:

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  10. Click to select the I accept the license terms. check box.

  11. Click the Next > button. The Global Rules page appears (not shown) after the rule check runs.

  12. Click the Next > button. The Microsoft Update page appears:

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  13. Click to select the Use Microsoft Update… check box to check for updates (recommended), unless your software update process does not use automatic updates from Microsoft

  14. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Product Updates page. The Install Setup Files page appears.

  15. Wait for the installation to complete.

  16. Ensure that all operations pass.

  17. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Install Rules page. The Feature Selection page appears:

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  18. Ensure the Database Engine Services check box is selected. This is the only feature necessary for Verify Privilege Vault. Unless you are using Geo-Replication, you can leave everything else unchecked. Leave the directory locations unchanged.

  19. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Feature Rules page. The Instance Configuration page appears:

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  20. Ensure the Default Instance selection button is selected.

  21. Type a name for your SQL Instance in the Instance ID text box.

  22. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Server Configuration page. The Database Engine Configuration page appears:

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  23. You have the choice to select either Windows Authentication Mode or Mixed Mode. Select the option that will work best for your environment:

    • Mixed Mode (for easiest configuration): This mode is required if you intend on using a SQL Server account to authenticate Verify Privilege Vault to your SQL Server instance. We recommend using mixed mode if you are setting up a test or demo environment. Selecting this option will also require you to set a password for the SQL Server system administrator (sa) account. See Adding a SQL Server User below for instructions on adding more users.
    • Windows Mode (recommended for best security): This mode prevents SQL Server account authentication. We recommend using Windows mode for production environments. Whatever user or group assigned will have administrative access to your SQL instance. According to best security practices, limit this number to as few users as possible.
    If choosing Windows Mode you will also need to Running the IIS Application Pool As a Service Account later in the installation process.
  24. You can leave the options in the remaining tabs at their default values or change the file locations in the Data Directories and TempDB tabs if you wish to store the database and log data in a different drive or directory.

  25. Click the Next > button twice to bypass the Feature Configuration Rules page. The Ready to Install page appears:

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  26. Click the Install button.

  27. Wait for installation to complete. This may take several minutes.

  28. Click the Close button.

Installing SQL Server Management Studio

  1. In the "SQL Server Installation Center" window, click the Installation menu item. The Installation page appears:

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  2. Click the Install SQL Server Management Tools link.

  3. Wait for the Web page to load then click the Download SQL Server Management Studio… link. A file downloads.

  4. Run the downloaded file (varies by browser). The SQL Server Management Studio installer starts.

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  5. Click the Install button.

  6. Wait for the installer to complete. This may take several minutes.

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  7. Click the Restart button if prompted. Otherwise, click the Close button.

  8. Close "SQL Server Installation Center."

Creating the SQL Server Database

To install Verify Privilege Vault, the IBM Security installer creates the SQL database for you if it does not exist and if the user account has permission to create a new database, which requires the dbcreator server role.

If not using the IBM Security Installer, use the following steps to create a database manually through SQL Server Management Studio:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. Connect to your SQL Server instance.

  3. Right click the Databases folder and select New Database… The New Database page appears.

  4. Type a name for your database in the Database Name text box.

  5. Click the OK button.

Adding a SQL Server User to Verify Privilege Vault

According to security best practices, limit the number of users with access to your SQL database as much as possible. Use the following instructions to add a SQL Server account for Verify Privilege Vault to use to access the SQL database:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. Connect to your SQL Server Database.

  3. Expand the Security folder.

  4. Right-click the Logins folder and select New Login…

  5. Select a method of authentication:

    • SQL Server Authentication: Use this option to create a new SQL Server account (this requires mixed mode to be enabled). To create the account, enter a new username and password and then deselect the Enforce Password Policy check box to prevent the account from expiring.
    • Windows Authentication: Use this option to add access to SQL Server for an existing Windows account. To add the account, enter the login name or click Search to find the account. It is recommended to use a domain account rather than a local Windows account.
  6. Either, if you have already created the database for your IBM Security product:
    1. Click User Mappingin theSelect a pagelist box.
    2. Click to select the check box for the database in theUsers mapped to this Loginlist.
    3. Click to select thedb_ownercheck box in theDatabase role membership…list.
  7. Or, if you have not yet created the database:

    1. ClickServer Rolesin theSelect a pagelist box.
    2. Click to select thedb_creatorcheck box.
  8. Click to select the check box next to your Verify Privilege Vault database.

  9. In the Database Role Membership window, click to select the db_owner check box.

  10. Click the OK button.