Verify Privilege Vault Major Browser Support

Verify Privilege Vault can accommodate most major browsers available today. This article covers each major browser and version supported by Verify Privilege Vault, as well as support for the copy-to-clipboard feature.

For the best security, always keep your browser updated to the latest version.

Browser Supported Secret Server Versions Copy-to-Clipboard Support
Chrome Version 10.8 and later Version 10.8 and later
Edge Version 10.8 and later Version 10.8 and later
Firefox Version 10.8 and later Version 10.8 and later
Internet Explorer Not supported Not supported
Safari Version 10.8 and later Version 10.8 and later
Opera Version 10.8 and later Version 10.8 and later

Language Support

Verify Privilege Vault natively supports the following languages:

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Mandarin, simplified

  • Mandarin, traditional

  • Portuguese

Using Chrome to Access Verify Privilege Vault

The Chrome extension prompts users for "tabs" permissions, which Chrome uses to detect your browsing history, including what tabs you open and the URLs they open to. Verify Privilege Vault uses the tabs permission function only to clear passwords on exit. No history is recorded.