Initial Login

Using the credentials configured in the Create User section of the on-premises installation, validate that you can login to Verify Privilege Manager and view the home screen.

The login URL for an on-premises Verify Privilege Manager instance has this form:


On combined Verify Privilege VaultVerify Privilege Manager installations you are initially logged in throughVerify Privilege Vault. If this is the case, you can find Verify Privilege Manager by navigating to Tools | Privilege Manager.

The initial login for on-prem happens via NTLM.


After logging in the Verify Privilege Manager Setup Home page opens.

setup home page

Use the Verify Privilege Manager link to login to the product. If you need to add or update product features, such as connectors for foreign systems, use the Add / Update Product Features link.

The Setup a Verify Privilege Vault Foreign System link can be used to set-up an integration with Verify Privilege Vault. This will also allow you to use Verify Privilege Vault as an authentication provider. Also refer to Setting up Integration between Verify Privilege Manager and Verify Privilege Vault.

Getting Started Banner

At initial login the Getting Started Banner displays with help tips and next steps:

  • Choose an authentication provider that will be used going forward to sign in to Verify Privilege Manager.
  • Setup the SMTP Server.
  • Install Agents.
  • Review the documentation to begin configuring policies.
  • Implement anti-virus exclusions to allow IBM Security to run on the endpoint.

You may choose to not show the Getting Started Banner on subsequent logins.

Home screen


The Home screen of Verify Privilege Manager can be found by clicking Home in the top banner of any page inside of Verify Privilege Manager. From this dashboard you can jump into either Application Control or Local Security, depending on what you want to do. You also will be given different snapshots of various important information about your environment. Once you have agents installed and policies setup, you'll have a lot going on from the Home Dashboard:

Home screen