Upgrading to 10.9.000005/33

This upgrade of Verify Privilege Vault is a two-step process where you first upgrade to version 10.9000005 and then to 10.9.000033. The reasoning behind this is to provide a safeguard that warns you if the new .NET system requirement is not met prior to the installation making irreversible changes, potentially resulting in a non-functioning Verify Privilege Vault installation. The second step to 10.9.000033 depends on the .NET update in the first step and deploys the new features for this release.

Customers upgrading to 10.6.000000 or later and are using RabbitMQ, please see see Clearing RabbitMQ Message Queues.
Upgrading to Verify Privilege Vault version 10.0.000000 and above requires configuring integrated pipeline mode on the Verify Privilege Vault Application Pool. Please see Changing IIS to Not Stop Worker Process in IIS 7.0 and Later for details on configuring integrated pipeline mode in IIS. If using Integrated Windows Authentication you will also need to update IIS authentication settings as detailed in Configuring Integrated Windows Authentication. If you are at version 9.1.000000 and below, you will need to first upgrade to 9.1.000001 before you can upgrade to 10.0.000000 and above.
If you have Verify Privilege Manager installed, the Verify Privilege Vault upgrade process will begin an upgrade for Verify Privilege Manager as well.
The existing MS SQL database must be version 2012 or later for this upgrade. Otherwise, if the upgrade fails and you attempt to roll it back, the previous installation will not work.

How Upgrades Work

Verify Privilege Vault periodically polls the update server to detect new updates. If the "Allow Automatic Checks for Software Updates" option is enabled in the Admin > Configuration menu, you will see the "An update is available (xx.x.xxxxxx)" link after logging in with an administrator account. The steps below can be used to perform an upgrade for versions 7.1.000015 and higher. If you have an older version of Verify Privilege Vault, please contact IBM Security technical support for assistance.

Before You Begin

  1. Ensure you will have access to account credentials for the server hosting Verify Privilege Vault AND the SQL Server instance hosting your Verify Privilege Vault database.

  2. Ensure you have a recent backup of the application files and database available.

  3. If you use clustering, stop the application pools on all of the servers except the one being upgraded.

  4. Conduct the Verify Privilege Vault and Verify Privilege Vault Cloud .NET Framework 4.8 Mandatory Upgrade.

How to Upgrade

  1. From a computer that has outbound network access, click on the upgrade link to go to: http://<yourinstance>/SecretServer/Setup/Upgrade. The Verify Privilege Vault Setup Home page appears:

    If your computer does not have outbound network access, please see Upgrading Verify Privilege Vault Without Outbound Access.


  2. Download the two zip files (Version_10_9_000005.zip and Version_10_9_000033.zip), which contain the installs, using the link at the top of the page.

  3. Click the Enable Maintenance Mode button to enter maintenance mode.

  4. Backup your Verify Privilege Vault application folder.

    Important: All your data is encrypted the encryption.config file in your Verify Privilege Vault application folder. Your data cannot be decrypted without it. Thus, it is critical that you make a backup of the application folder and its contents before proceeding.

  5. Backup the database named SecretServer at the IP address listed.

  6. When finished backing up both, click to select the The Verify Privilege Vault database and application folder have been backed up check box.

  7. Click the Continue button. The download page appears:


  8. Click the Advanced (not required) link. The section appears:


  9. Click the Choose File button and locate the Version_10_9_000005.zip file you downloaded.

  10. Click the Upload Upgrade button. The file uploads, which can take several minutes. When the upload is complete the 10.9.000005 version appears:


  11. Click the Install this Version button. The Install Verify Privilege Vault Upgrade page appears:


  12. Click the Upgrade button. An upgrade installation status page appears (not shown), and the upgrade begins. This will take several minutes. When done, an "Installation Complete" message appears.

  13. Click the Show Details link to view the entire upgrade process:


  14. Click the Return to Home button. You return to the previous page. The first installation of the two is complete. The new installation of Verify Privilege Vault starts, which may take a bit of time. Verify Privilege Vault opens to the All Secrets page:


  15. If you intend to use Web clustering, proceed to Upgrading Verify Privilege Vault with Web Clustering.

  16. Repeat the install procedure using the Version_10_9_000033.zip file you downloaded.

  17. Once again, if you intend to use Web clustering, proceed to Upgrading Verify Privilege Vault with Web Clustering.